MHC Kenworth
1895 Old Haywood Rd,
Asheville, NC   28806
Location on Google Maps           Latitude: 35.5652760   Longitude: -82.6310960
Company web site click here
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If you are the service provider and want to respond to this review send an email to [email protected].
Please provide the name of your company, as it appears on the review, the date of service provided by the reviewer and
the explanation of the problem from your perspective.
Date of Service:  
Company Contact:  
Work Done on:  
Heavy Duty Truck
Service Performed:  
When cold start-up had a loud squeal and would continue on for a while. Needed a new tensioner, pulley and serpentine belt.
Evaluation of Service Performed:  
Wasn't 100% repaired at Kenworth of Concord, NC. Had moved near Asheville, NC. Dropped truck off on a Monday afternoon and Kenworth of Asheville
said they would start it up on Tuesday and fix the problem. Asked them once it was done to let it set over night and start it up again the next morning
just to be sure. Repair done and had truck back when promised. Let it set another day and went to pick it up. Have only driven the truck 2 � hours
since repair but haven't heard any noise. Setting for a month before moving on will see if any change and will report about it if so.