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RV Supercenter
27941 Jefferson Avenue, Temecula, CA   92590
877 699 7380
Location on Google Maps           Latitude: 33.508396   Longitude: -117.156471
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If you are the service provider and want to respond to this review send an email to [email protected]. Please provide the name of your company, as it appears on the review, the date of service provided by the reviewer and the explanation of the problem from your perspective.
  Date of Service:   1/13/2013
  Work Done on:   5th Wheel Trailer
  Service Performed:   We purchased our 2013 Columbus 320RS at the Southern California RV show at the LA County Fairgrounds on October
12, 2012. Our salesmen were
very nice and helpful, and the transaction went fairly smooth. We ordered our unit from the factory to match the unit
they had on display at the show.
We picked up our unit approximately 45 days later. After doing a PDI inspection, we had a couple small items to repair
or replace and we took
possession of our new RV on December 12, 2012. With a few signatures and a handshake, we were out the door. We
were having it delivered to our
residence because we were still picking out our tow vehicle. They assured us that they would use their BEST driver. We
said great because the driveway
was long and narrow. Long story short, the driver drug the back bumper and it had to be replaced.

We used our new RV several times and had only minor issues. We knew of some fellow RV owners that had the same
Columbus line and had had some
issues with brakes and seals. So we got under and checked through the inspection ports and noticed grease on one of
them. We notified RVSC (RV
SuperCenter) and also the factory. New brake assemblies were sent to RVSC from Lippert, the manufacturer. Upon arrival
at RVSC, we listed all the
items that needed to be addressed with John, the Service Manager, and Albert, the Service Tech. The issues were:
� Install New front Air Conditioner Unit supplied by manufacturer. The original unit had issues with vibration and was
being replaced. It was shipped to
� Inspect brake assemblies and replace due to grease contamination from leaking wheel seal.
� Inspect decals that were peeling at 3 different areas
� Adjust the dining room slide-out that was out of adjustment about � inch.
� Realign the copper tubing for the refrigerator that was rubbing against the kitchen slide when closed.
� Replace the light fixture on top of the cabinets above the kitchen sink that had burned through the plastic cover of the
light fixture.
� Repair/replace an LED light fixture above the sink.

We had made an appointment with them several weeks prior and had arranged for them to have the work completed in
10 days.
We realize that issues come up, and they did. We realize there are issues with employees, there were. We also realize
that RVSC had done some
questionable work for another Columbus owner. But since that time they had had a turnover of staff, and had hired a
new Service Manager, and new
techs. So we gave them the benefit of the doubt, and since they were our point of sale, we went with it.

This proved to be a grave mistake on our part. After 3 weeks and many issues, they said it was ready and we could come
pick up our RV. The first
thing we did was inspect the RV. Knowing that the brakes had been replaced, we hooked up the 5th wheel and
attempted to use the trailer brake
manually to see if there was any stopping power. There was not. There was nothing. The tech came over and after
almost 2 hours of trying to figure
out what was wrong, we resigned ourselves to the fact that we were not taking it home.

They took it apart and called and told us that there was some kind of short and they needed an electrical expert to track
it down. Our 3 weeks was
turning quickly into 4. They found they short and fixed it, saying that one of the relays was bad. They called again (our
RV had now been there 4
weeks). We attempted again to pick up our RV. This after 2-two hour round trips for nothing.

We checked the various items that we had repaired, turned on the A/C to make sure it was working, checked the brakes,
and the copper tubing had
been relocated. They were not able to do much with the decal, glued, which now looked worse, but that�s fine. We went
to open the door to check the
slide and check the inside. The door key would not work. After an hour of trying this and that, they cannibalized the lock
off another unit, and
replaced ours. We got inside, checked the slide and it seemed to work, and was aligned. They forgot the light, but they
gave us a new one and we said
we would install it. So, off we go!

We took a slow trip home, seating in the brakes as we had been told to do by the manufacturer. So far so god, right?
When we got back and set up,
we opened up the front storage area and saw where the electrician or someone had done the work to fix whatever short
there was. RVSC has removed
covers and vents for the batteries, tore tubing apart, left terminals uncovered, and left the batteries unsecured. It could
have been a very messy and
dangerous situation. So after 2 hours of inspecting and cleaning up their mess and double checking the entire 12 volt
system to make sure they left
nothing else unfinished and unsecured, that issue was resolved.

Until a couple of days later when we turned on the bedroom air conditioner that they had replaced. It turned on and was
pushing cold air, problem was it
was only pushing it through the A/C down vent and not through the ducting system. Pulled it apart and discovered that
when they installed the
replacement A/C, they taped over the venting ducts with aluminum tape. So we removed the tape and sealed up the
ducting as it was supposed to be.
This issue seems to be resolved.

At this point we are very concerned, thinking what else is going to go wrong?? We left for an extended trip 2 days later
going from California to Texas,
the slide and brakes are working at this point. We made a couple stops in Arizona, and New Mexico. After our first stop
in Texas, we prepared the rig
for travel, and upon bringing in the slide, it again came out adjustment. We got it in with about a 1 inch gap. We
contacted Cel Lopez at Forest River to
find an authorized service center, and he directed us to one in Kerrville, TX, where we took the rig in the following
morning. Upon inspection, the
techs, as we watched, found several of the adjustments loose. So when RVSC made the adjustments, they apparently got
the adjustment right, but did
not go back and secure the adjustment lock bolts/nuts. This caused the slide to eventually work loose and come out of
adjustment. It also caused a
stress fracture caused by pressure exerted by the top corner of the slide hitting. This was immediately reported to Cel
Lopez via telephone at Forest
River and followed up with photographs via Text Message. At this point the technicians were able to get the slide
tightened and adjusted to a point,
but obviously not straight as evident by the decals being out of alignment by more than � inch. This was only after them
spending an hour on the
phone with techs at Lippert, the manufacturer of the slide mechanism. It was decided that Forest River would pick up
our rig at the end of our trip in
May and take it to the factory in Indiana to repair/replace the slide and the wall were the stress fracture is. As we are
doing limited stops now, they
agreed we could finish our trip.

Although we really love and enjoy our Columbus 320RS, my advice is to avoid doing business with RV Super Center. Not
only do they provide
substandard repair, I would consider it so bad that it could actually endanger you, your family and others on the road.
We NEVER received a call, email,
or any contact from the salesman after our purchase to say thank you, or ask how we were enjoying our purchase, or to
see if there were any problems
or issues. In comparison, we have received no less than 5 calls, and several emails from our salesman where we
purchased our tow vehicle and
continue to get them to ensure we are happy with our purchase!

RV Super Center informed us that they have lost the contract with the Columbus by Palomino line and this is no surprise.
To be quite honest, they
couldn�t sell me a hot blanket on a cold day!
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   See above.
  Value of Service:   Poor
  Quality of Service:   Poor
  Email Address of Reviewer:   [email protected]
  Date of Service:   12/15/2012
  Work Done on:   Class A - Diesel
  Service Performed:   Pre-delivery diesel engine (25,000 miles) service: oil change, replace oil filter, fuel filter, air filter.
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   Within several months of taking delivery, engine was using oil. On investigation was found to be "dusted" due to installation on incorrect air filter
and in need of complete rebuild.
  Value of Service:   Poor
  Quality of Service:   Poor
  Date of Service:   7/10/2009
  Work Done on:   Class A - Gasoline
  Service Performed:   I took my motorhome in to this place to have a leak fixed on the roof. When I came back to get it, the windshield was broken. They claimed no responsibility, even though the ladder they used to get on top was right against the window
exactly where it was cracked all the way down. The owner was rude and said he would not fix it. I went to BBB and they said RV Supercenter has numerous complaints filed against them.
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   Would never go there.
  Value of Service:   Poor
  Quality of Service:   Poor
  Email Address of Reviewer:   [email protected]

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