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The Trailer Depot
1037 Middletown Ave, Northford, CT   06472
(203) 234-7788
Location on Google Maps           Latitude: 41.3792056   Longitude: -72.8147613
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If you are the service provider and want to respond to this review send an email to [email protected]. Please provide the name of your company, as it appears on the review, the date of service provided by the reviewer and the explanation of the problem from your perspective.
  Date of Service:   8/20/2011
  Work Done on:   Class C
  Service Performed:   I brought my vintage Winnebago RV here to have the LP system checked, the backup lights fixed, the electrical system checked out, batteries were dead but I wanted to see if the system worked in the first place, and the tanks repaired or replaced.
  Evaluation of Service Performed:   They did not do any of this work. They kept it for longer than we'd discussed and, after their "evaluation" of
things, then told me they don't do any of the work I'd requested. So why did they agree to in the first place when I scheduled the appointment and dropped it off? Maybe it was a misunderstanding, even though they wrote it down
and it was on my quote. They did tell me they don't service LP but that they could check that it was working. That was fine and all I wanted them to do anyhow. The service department seemed poorly functioning. They told me things that were inaccurate about what was working and what wasn't, somehow caused my engine battery to be drained so I could hardly start the RV and had to jump it each time
until I got it to a better shop, and obviously were unfamiliar with RVs- where things were, how they worked, etc. I knew more than they did. I can't speak for the trailer service or sales, though I have a relative who brought one there and wasn't impressed either and ended
up needing to take it back to have the work redone, but I strongly discourage anyone to bring their RV there.
  Value of Service:   Poor
  Quality of Service:   Poor

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